Unlock everyone's brain

We’re all born with a natural curiosity and an eager to learn. It’s the foundation of progressing as a human species, and something that follows us throughout life as our brains and personality evolves.

But the way we learn has evolved as well. Our go-to sources used to be books and lectures. Now we consume content online.

We all have different people and organisations we follow, topics we care about and sources where we go to harvest the latest. But individual learning creates knowledge silos, while scattering everything across too many tools and platforms.

This makes it incredibly hard for companies to create a real source of truth; one that's built for the way we actually learn, where everyone pulls from the same pool of continuous knowledge and inspiration.

Brainy is designed to bridge that gap, as we believe the more teams we can empower with collective learning, the more innovative and game-changing companies we’ll see.

Meet the team

Morten Poul Jensen

CEO & Co-Founder

Matthias Larsen

CTO & Co-Founder

Martin Balle

CPO & Co-Founder

We build in
the open


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